"190 ans de passion littéraire"


All dressed up, The grammar of Western clothing
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All dressed up

The grammar of Western clothing


Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782377810031
    • Fichier EPUB à mise en page fixe, avec Marquage en filigrane

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History, function, codes and characteristics of all the dresses.

Corsets, panniers, crinolines or bustles are words that no longer have
significance today. But at various times throughout the history of clothing,
women wore these essential pieces under their dresses and often needed help to
put them on.

Depending on the fashions of each period, certain parts of the body were
highlighted as elements of seduction (a tiny waist, extremely wide hips, an
exaggerated bottom,...). Women sought what they believed to be an ideal of
perfection while obeying the strict, often extravagant codes of Fashion and
social norms. It was the events surrounding World Wars I and II and then the
Women’s Liberation Movement of the 1970s that finally introduced dresses which
did not restrict the body.

But even today, dresses still assert a woman’s femininity. Every woman has at
least one precise memory of a dress that marked a key event in her life and
was intrinsically associated with her joy of pleasing others!


Originally a passionate collector of old fabrics and clothing, Mireille
Tembouret today oversees the enormous “Vestiaire” (wardrobe), a mix of
civilian and religious garments from many eras. The company - with its
surprising resources - provides clothing to film, television and theater
professionals as well as special-event organizers or private individuals.
After teaching fashion design at Esmod Paris and a design career in the Paris
fashion industry. She now dedicates her energies to developing her company,
based in Paris.
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